OneCalifornia Foundation
OneCalifornia Foundation engages in charitable and educational activities that primarily support the goals of OneCalifornia Bank, FSB. Included are programs and initiatives to help eliminate discrimination, encourage affordable housing, alleviate economic distress, stimulate community development and increase financial literacy.
To learn more, please call or visit:
Phone 510.663.2253 (510.OneCalF)
1438 Webster Street, Suite 101
Oakland, CA 94612
OneCal Foundation staff: Salvador Menjivar
Executive Director
Erin Kilmer-Neel
Program Officer
Sarah Lindsay
Program Assistant
Andrea Walker
Executive Program Assistant
Programs and Events
Oakland Unwrapped, an Online Marketplace for local small business merchants and artists, is hosted by OneCal Foundation.
Oakland Indie Awards is sponsored by OneCal Foundation. This annual event celebrates the social and environmental impact of Oakland's independent businesses and artists and focuses attention on local sustainability.
Innovative programs & partnerships are detailed on the Foundation website.
Financial literacy classes & coaching OneCal SAFE Children's Education Fund Homeownership Loan Assistance Online Business Assistance Center Business development workshops & events